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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Witch Way


All tutorials require a basic knowledge of PSP


Tube of choice - I am using 68 Ways to Scream by Popeye Wong
Scrap kit of choice - I am using "Halloween Night" by Foxys Designz which is FTU
Font of choice - I am using Thriller
Xero / Porcelain
Photo Effex / Scanlines
Eye Candy 4000 / HSB Noise

OK, let's get started..........

Open a new transparent image 600 x 250

Paste a paper of your choice onto the canvas and position to your liking
I used Paper7_FD

Paste SpiderWeb_FD as new layer
Position to the left or to your liking
In the layer palette change the Blend Mode to Screen, then Duplicate layer
Layers / Merge / Merge Down

Paste Spider_FD as new layer
Image / Free Rotate / Left by 20.00
Resize by 20%
Position in the web to your liking
Duplicate and set Blend Mode to Screen
Layers / Merge / Merge Down

Paste Glitter_FD
No need to position it as it should fall directly in the centre

Open your tube of choice
For this I am using Popeye Wong's "68 Ways to Scream"

Paste the tube and position it to your liking
Using your Freehand Selection Tool on Point to Point draw around the excess and delete

Paste the tube again and position once again
Draw around the excess once more with your Selection Tool as above and delete the excess

Next with the Selection Tool I cut around the bat in the tube
Then I copied and paste positioning him to my liking on my canvas
Then resized him by about 70%

Paste MoonBats_FD as new layer
Resize by 35% and position partially behind one of the witches in your tube

Now go to the Glitter layer
Add a new raster layer
Choose your Selection Tool and set it to Rectangle
Draw a narrow rectangle the length of the canvas near the bottom

On your material palette select your foreground to a light colour
I used the dropper tool to pick a colour from the moon - #dddddd (which you need to do BEFORE you make your selection)
Flood fill rectangle with your colour

Go to Effects / Plugins / PhotEffex / Scanlines
Default settings
Lower opacity to around 35

Go back to your top layer
Add a new raster layer and flood fille with the same light colour
Selections / Select All

Selections / Modify / Contract by 2
Delete the deselect

With your Magic Wand Tool select OUTSIDE this border
Activate your Recangle layer and delete
Then deselect

Now you may want to delete some of the excess of the glitter layer now with your Eraser Tool

Hide the Background, Spider Web and two border layers
Then Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

You should now have four layers -
Background, Spiderweb, Merged layer and the Border

Activate your Merged layer
Effects / Plugins / Xero / Porcelain
Default settings

Repeat Porcelain effect on Border layer
Duplicate then Layers / Merge / Merge Down

At this point I added my credits

Select a font of your choice
I am using Thriller
Make sure your foreground and background are active with the colours of your choice

I am using Black for the foreground with a stroke of 1.0
Background is #dddddd

Type out your name
Add any effects of your choice and apply a drop shadow

Repeat Porcelain effect altering the Blue Channel to 100

Now let's animate!

First hide your background layer
Then merge the other layers together

Now activate your background layer
Duplicate twice
Hide the last two and activate the first layer

Effects / Plugins / Eye Candy 4000 / HSB Noise
with the following settings:

Now activate the second layer
Repeat the plugin effect changing the Random Seed

Activate the third layer and repeat again

Go over each layer with the Porcelain effect changing the Blue Channel back to 255

Now hide background layers 2 and 3 once again leaving the first background layer visible with the Merged layer

Edit / Copy Merged

Open Animation Shop
Paste as new animation

Activate second background layer and Copy Merged

In Animation Shop
Paste after Current Frame

Activate third background later and Copy Merged

In Animation Shop
Paste after Current Frame

Select all frames
ALT + Enter to open the Frame Properties box
Change to 25

Now save as a GIF and you're done!

Thank you for trying my tutorial.

Here is a still version in PNG format

And here is another version using the same tube differently:

© Tutorial written by Stina 20th September 2011

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